Study Abroad Policy and FAQS
Can I get financial aid to cover my international experience?
University financial aid (loans only) can only be used for certain Florida Tech-sponsored international programs if you take 6+ credit hours in the summer—such as the Oxford Summer Study Abroad, Spain COB Program, or the Biology International Field Experiences with a minimum of 6 credit hours. This kind of financial aid is a loan; there are no grants or Florida Tech sponsored scholarships to pay for your study abroad experience. Florida Bright Futures Scholars can use their scholarship for summer 2025 Florida Tech programs such as Oxford with 6+ credit hours! Contact for details.
Can I get a paid internship in another country? Would I need to speak the language?
You may be able to find an internship in another country through web searches or one of the various companies who match you up (for a fee); however, you would need to pursue this on your own. Remember that you may need to speak a second language fluently if you go abroad to work in an internship. The current practice is for YOU to actually PAY to be placed in an internship abroad.
How can I get Florida Tech approval to study abroad and receive transfer credit for the courses? Can I work this out when I return from my trip?
Contact If you decide to enroll in courses at a foreign university, you need to fill out the “Permission to Study at Another Institution” form, and contact the coordinator of undergraduate transfer credits in the Registrar’s Office. If you don’t get approval first, you might not get academic credit when you get back.
What things should I consider if I’m planning to enroll in a non-Florida Tech program?
You have many things to consider, including:
- PLAN AHEAD! Studying abroad requires that you plan at least a year to nine months in advance in most cases and adhere to application deadlines.
- Cost—You have to pay for your international experience. Very few programs have financial aid available. Your expenses include tuition, transportation, housing and meals, and spending money while you are there. You cannot use financial aid through Florida Tech for non-Florida Tech programs.
- Academic Credit—In some instances, your experience will earn academic credit that must be approved in advance; other times you may not receive academic credit, but you will still gain valuable experience for your personal or professional development.
- Length of Time—International programs are not all the same length. How long you would like to be away (or how long you could afford to live abroad) is an important consideration. You could choose a program of just a few weeks, an entire semester, or even a full year.
- Language—Consider your foreign language background. If you are interested in mastering another language (of which you already have some knowledge), you may decide to live in the target country that would benefit you most. If your foreign language skills have not been developed, choosing a program like the Oxford Study Abroad Program in England may be more suitable. Language immersion programs are also something you can consider for credit and non-credit.
- Refund Policy—Be sure you understand the payment and refund policy for any programs you investigate prior to paying deposits.
Earn points for Florida Tech's Cultural Competency Certificate when you study abroad.